Download App

To download the LendFi app, follow these general steps:

  1. App Store (iOS devices) or Google Play Store (Android devices):

    • Open the respective app store on your device.

    • Use the search bar to look for "LendFi."

  2. Search Results:

    • Once you find the LendFi app in the search results, click on it.

  3. Download:

    • On the app's page, you'll find a "Download" or "Install" button.

    • Click the button to download and install the app on your device.

  4. Follow Instructions:

    • Follow any on-screen instructions to complete the installation process.

  5. Open the App:

    • After the installation is complete, open the app using the appropriate icon on your device.

  6. Account Setup:

    • If it's your first time using the app, you may need to create an account. Follow the provided instructions to set up your account.

Please note that if "LendFi" is associated with a specific financial service or company, make sure you are downloading the official app from a reputable source.

Last updated